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Training on the basics of ICT systems and database security for Jinkaku

  • Marcin Ziemlewski

We are very pleased to announce that the training has begun, which is being held thanks to the cooperation with Euroafricaservices.pl. The first employees of Jinkaku Security Limited have arrived in our city, where they are taking part in the training on the basics of security of teleinformatic systems and databases, which is being held with the participation of IT experts cooperating with our Foundation. Thanks to their professional experience and skills, we will try to provide our guests with as much information and knowledge as possible that will be helpful in their further professional work.

We hope that the training will be satisfactory and will fully meet the expectations of Jinkaku Security Limited, thanks to which our Client will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the activities of our Foundation, which will be the beginning of long-term cooperation with foreign entities, especially from Africa.

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